I've been keeping a secret, and now I can
finally share it with you!
You may or may not know that I love Dolly
Parton, and that I also share a birthday with her. This is my tribute to
her, which I very quietly entered into the Centre for Adult Education (CAE)
Reginald Softie Portrait Prize, and, which I found out last week,
earned me a place in the finals! Hardest week of my life, keeping this
incredible honour a secret!
You can make a huge difference to one of the amazing finalist entries, by voting for your very favourite in the People's Choice Award right here: http://reginald.com.au/vote-for-peoples-prize/
Scroll right
down til you see a grey button marked 'Start Survey'. You will be asked
for your name, email address and your favourite softie portrait. It
takes less than a minute to enter.
Thank-you in advance for supporting the fine art of softie-making! ♥